Turn Experts, Speakers & Authors


From Spotlighting you on our stages and events,

to building and growing YOUR OWN AUDIENCE,

to freeing up your time to be the TRUE CEO,


visibility, marketing & lead generation.

Scroll down for Gifts and Resources

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Supporting Community Leaders

Visibility at your fingertips. Discover secrets of being top-of-mind.

Business-in-a-Box 360

Coaching has immense potential, but too often, I see talented coaches struggling. The truth? Success isn’t just about hard work; it’s about working SMART with the right formula, tools & support.

GUESS WHAT? Building a thriving coaching business doesn’t have to be a constant uphill battle. Let me introduce to you— "Business in a box", an answer to your major headaches. Inquire by booking a call, and I'll reveal to you how doable and enjoyable this ride can be.


Community Leaders

Are you an authority in your space? Do you teach or create content? Community Economy is the new way to grow. We invite all community leaders to step up and join like-minded change-makers!

Ready or Not? Let's see how we can collaborate!

Reach out from "About Us" or via DM.

We also seek experts to train our TRIBE.

Be Our Show Guest

Experts Spotlight

Positive Impact Media is not just a platform—it's a movement. We feature captivating stories and insights from industry leaders on our three distinct channels:

Prosperity Channel: 💰 Abundance, wealth & glam.

Romance Channel: ❤️ Dating, relationships, and fun.

Wellness Channel: 🧘‍♀️ Health, holistic modalities, mindset.

Start by clicking on the image.

No Time to Waste?

Let's Explode your Exposure!

You can guest on podcasts, create content, speak, or run ads, but there's NO equivalent to using credibility and influence of OTHERS to bring spotlight on YOU and your expertise or services.

Click on the image, or connect.

Let's FASTTRACK your visibility literally overnight!

Podcast Guesting?

Speaking from Stage?

Grab this list of 10 super simple but often overlooked tactics to actually derive BUSINESS from your publicity and visibility efforts. Every time you open your mouth online matters, and if you are not doing these 10 things, you are LOOSING BUSINESS.

An explanatory video added to the list!

Take Control of Your Time & Business


Do you have an unstoppable CEO mindset?

We're here to free up time, the ONLY NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCE

Bundles for $97+. See how easy it is!

Also available: Marketing Plan, Author/Speaker Marketing Strategy, Building your list, stage, or brand, and Business-In-A-Box 360.

My article about it published on "Medium".

Don't let your brilliance be tempered by the sad reality of the 24/7 week while you work on admin or marketing tasks for free or for a minimum wage. Outsource your headaches to our capable trained team of part-time assistants, free up time, the ONLY NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCE, you'll never get back. No long-term committment, hourly quotas or hefty set-up fees.

1-Click Connect to Us Everywhere

Tap Into Our Resource Vault

We have a resource library of $1000's of value in DIY Social Media Resources to help you get started now, at NO COST

Creating 1-on-1 Strategy & Roadmap in 1/2 VIP Day Consulting or in our Mastermind, priced as low as $497+

A collection of Recorded Business Growth Masterclasses on our YouTube Channel and FB group's Guides Section

We have a Podcast featuring Coaches, Leaders and Community Managers. It's like FREE life coaching, and is a great way to learn and upgrade your Mindset & Business.

For joint ventures, collaborations, to learn about our organic marketing services, speaking opportunities including being a guest on our show or podcast, or to book a social media & branding consult, connect from the Top of this page.